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We Help Those.........Who Can't Help Themselves


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जन सूचना अधिकारी/प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी (आफलाइन)

क्र0सं0 अधिकारी का नम/पदनाम कार्यालय का दूरभाष नम्बर
1. सुश्री ज्योति राय संयुक्त निदेशक(प्रशासन)/जन सूचना अधिकारी, पशुपालन निदेशालय, लखनऊ। 0522-2740234
2. डा0 जयकेश कुमार पाण्डेय, अपर निदेशक(गोधन विकास)/प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी पशुपालन निदेशालय, लखनऊ। 0522-2740010

पशुपालन विभाग में जन सूचना अधिकार अधिनियम अन्तर्गत नामित नोडल ऑफिसर (आनलाइन)

क्र0सं0 अधिकारी का नम/पदनाम दूरभाष नम्बर
1. सुश्री ज्योति राय संयुक्त निदेशक(प्रशासन)/नो0अ0(आर0टी0आई0) ऑनलाइन पशुपालन निदेशालय, उ0प्र0। 0522-2740234
Sri Yogi Adityanath
Honourable Chief Minister
Uttar Pradesh
Sri. Dharampal Singh
Honourable Minister  
Sri Ravinder, IAS
Principal Secretary

About Us

Until 1892, there was no Department in the State dealing with matters concerning cattle welfare.

There was, however, the Imperial Horse Breeding Department run by the Inspector-General of Civil Veterinary Department, Government of India with headquarters at Simla.

In1892, the Civil Veterinary Department was constituted in the State to supplement the operations of the Imperial Department and a Superintendent was appointed under the Director of Land Records and Agriculture with headquarters at Babugarh in District Meerut.

In 1920, the department was taken away from the control of the Director of Land Records and Agriculture, and a Veterinary Advisor to Government was appointed to look after it. In 1929, his designation was changed to Director, Civil Veterinary Department.

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